Coop Spotlight

Celebrating employers across Simcoe County working with students at Simcoe Shores

KLA Hydraulics

Schott Gemtron
All students, regardless of their postsecondary destination, have the opportunity to take co-op. Cooperative Education is a planned learning experience, for which credits are earned, that integrates classroom theory and learning experiences at a workplace. Two co-op credits can count towards a student's compulsory requirements in Groups 1, 2 and/or 3.
The cooperative education course consists of both a classroom component and a placement component.
The classroom component includes:
- pre-placement sessions The pre-placement sessions prepare students for the workplace and include instruction in areas of key importance, such as health and safety.
- classroom integration sessions. The classroom integration sessions provide opportunities for students to reflect on and reinforce their learning in the workplace as the program progresses
The placment component includes:
- experiential learning experience in a workplace environment
- A personalized cooperative education learning plan (CELP) must be developed for each student
- progress in achieving the curriculum expectations, and the requirements identified in the CELP, must be assessed and evaluated by a teacher through regular workplace monitoring meetings with the student and the student's workplace supervisor.
Each Campus has a dedicated cooperative education teacher who works independently with students to support and develop meaningful experiential learning experiences that can be developed implemented in accordance with ministry policy as outlined in Cooperative Education and Other Forms of Experiential Learning: Policies and Procedures for Ontario Secondary Schools.